

YarakuStick-Logo-BETAスクリーンショット 2020-08-28 10.16.52

The world's first portable simultaneous translation device YarakuStick (β) (https://www.yarakustick.com) is available today. 

YarakuStick (β) is a completely new simultaneous translation device. Instead of translating and speaking one sentence at a time like conventional voice translators, YarakuStick (β) will continuously perform machine translation and display it as subtitles. 

YarakuStick (β) is completely synchronized with our translation platform YarakuZen, so the accumulated translation data and the customized translation engines of YarakuZen can be used on your PC.

We are currently looking for companies to give feedback on the real-world performance of Yaraku Stick (β). Let’s build a better product together! Click here for companies who wish to participate in product testing.

We will continue to update for the official release of YarakuStick (β). 

For details, please visit YarakuStick (β) website (https://www.yarakustick.com) or see the official press release

February 28, 2020

Greeting from our new office

Dear Sir or Madam, 

The seasons are turning and the cold is finally giving way to the promise of Spring.

Thank you for continuing to work with us here at Yaraku.

We are pleased to announce that we have relocated. With this new opportunity, all employees will work harder to meet your expectations. 

The new office is surrounded by rich greenery and we plan to enhance the visitor space, so we can make everyone's visits more comfortable. Feel free to stop by if you’re in the area. 


February, 2020 

Yaraku, Inc. 


Suguru Sakanishi 

New address 


IVY WORKS4F, 5-1-11 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 

~Realizing translation of specialized contents such as medicine, architecture, electricity, and chemistry~

2020-02-07 (25)

Translation tools " YarakuZen" can now be translated using two large dictionaries and five specialized glossaries which Nichigai Associates, Inc., provides. This enables users to translate and edit highly specialized documents efficiently by referring to dictionaries in each specialized field.

Neural machine translation is a particularly interesting niche field of artificial intelligence. This is because - traditionally - accurately translating one language into another can be difficult for a machine to achieve. Here, in this article, we are going to take a look at the technology that has and is adapting to do this job: neural machine translation.



Challenges of Machine Translation

All current languages have grammar rules and their own phrasing intricacies. When speaking, though, these aren’t always adhered to. Most people talk in shorthand or use some form of slang. In addition, there are words and phrases in some languages that may not have a direct translation into another.

The challenge has traditionally been that machines couldn’t keep up with this fluidity and ambiguity. This is because the old standard, statistical machine translation (SMT), worked on rule-based factors to create a direct translation. In other words, this software was run by the semantic, lexical, and syntactic rules that linguists laid out. This rule-based machine translation (RBMT) didn’t leave much room for growth and it limited what the programs could do.

How Is Neural Machine Translation Different?


Neural machine translation (NMT) differs from SMT because it uses an artificial neural network (ANN) rather than strict rules. ANNs are modeled after biological neural networks such as the human brain. The goal behind this is to create an AI system that can “think” rather than simply complete an assigned task. This allows the AI to process factors in translation such speech patterns and phrasing.

Another benefit of ANNs is that alongside thinking, they are also learning. This means that the more this AI translates languages, the better it will become at performing this job.

The Future of Neural Machine Translation

As of right now, NMT isn’t as widely implemented as SMT. A part of this is that it isn’t as developed as SMT. While more effective, NMT is still being further developed and learning new tricks. This only makes sense - such a complex system as this takes time to fully flesh out. However, as the technology has made it’s advancements, it will most like going to see wider use and distribution.

As for the fear of automation and replacement of the job of human translators, this is a far off of a worry. Experts in the field predict that it will be a while before these learning AI systems will be able to think on the same level as human rather than simply compute information in a robotic manner.


You can read more about Neural Machine Translation on the following sites:

3 Reasons Why Neural Machine Translation is a Breakthrough


Microsoft: What is a neural machine translation (NMT)?https://translator.microsoft.com/help/articles/neural/

In order to talk about Translation Service Providers, you must first know what the job is all about.

Translation Service Providers (TSP) have been around for several years now, they are sometimes referred to as Translation Agencies that offer their translation services to clients. Sometimes they also offer other related jobs such as interpretation or localization or even social coaching solutions, it all depends on the company and what their client population is.

When an individual is Translating they are creating a process of ‘searching’ the words of one text in any particular language and turn it into a text in any other particular language. Everything can be translated, from books to magazines or even Search Engine marketing adds, if there is a word then it can also be translated.

A lot of times the Translation Service Providers also offer something called ‘’Localization’’. This is when their translation services are defined by the nuances of a particular nation, group, cultural background or geographical area. For example, if Translating into French, the Translation Service Provider will focus on where the language is spoken and the overall context of the piece in order to produce an accurate translation and localization.

South America is definitely a land of opportunities. There are several reasons why the Translation Market size is increasing in South America, and it is definitely changing its dynamics and offering new and exciting opportunities to prospective international clients and investors.

Some of the major changes that this market is facing are the new technologies that is continuously presented to this area, while also an increase of international companies that are looking forward to developing commercial ties to the South America area.  

Continue reading to find out some of the reasons to keep an eye on in the non-stop growing Translation Market in South America:

Did you know that more than 400 million people around the world speak Spanish as their first language? And 300 million of them come from Latin America?

If you have ever heard a person from Spain speak in Spanish and then  immediately after you hear a person from any country in Latin America say exactly the same phrase, then you will soon realize how different they sound.

Even though it is the same language, there are some distinct differences between the Spanish from Spain and the Spanish from Latin America. In fact, it is like saying that there are differences between the English in England or in North America.

Thank you for using YarakuZen.

Since the YarakuZen software will be updated, the service will be unusable due to server maintenace during the following time period.

June 7th (Tuesday) 2016, 8 AM to 9 AM (Japan Standard Time).
Depending on the circumstances, the server maintenance period could last slightly longer or shorter than the stated period.

We appreciate your understanding.