HomeニュースCommercial alliance with Honyaku Center, joint sales of Translation Tool developed by Hakkaku started

公開日: 2017/09/01

Commercial alliance with Honyaku Center, joint sales of Translation Tool developed by Hakkaku started

Yaraku Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, Yaraku) to develop a cloud-based translation support tool “Yarakuzen”, Ltd. Translation Center of the translation industry’s largest (hereinafter, Translation Center) has partnered with. We will support the Machine Translation Tool “compath” which will be offered today from the Honyaku Center as a product developer.

■ Background and partnership contents
Honyaku Center is Asia’s largest translation company.
In order to respond to the needs of automatic translation to continue growing in the enterprise, ” YarakuZen will start from today to provide an automatic translation system” compath “with a customized”.

By using “compath”, users can receive translation service with specialized expertise by Honyaku Center and sunny Customer Support as integrated services in addition to Machine Translation and translation Support system provided by “YarakuZen” I can do it.

By supporting the provision of “compath” by Honyaku Center as a product developer, Yaraku will continue to make the effort to accomplish the higher efficiency of translation work of and to promote multilingual communication among enterprises.

[What is compath?]
“Compath” is a cloud-type Machine Translation Tool customized for enterprises based on “YarakuZen” provided by Yakusaku. “Compath” is a cloud-type Machine Translation Tool customized for enterprises based on “YarakuZen” provided by Yakusaku. In addition, in order to build a unique Translation Database (Translation memory · Glossary) for each user, we generate customized Machine Translation for each company. When a person corrects a translated Translation of Machine Translation, it will automatically save and feed back the corrected Translation Data in the Translation Database. It is an Machine Translation Tool that improves accuracy as you use of it by learning effect.


[About YarakuZen]
It is a cloud-type translation software that supports translation and multi-language treatment business users in the company.
With a simple interface that anyone can use intuitively and with strong security that can be personalized at the enterprise level personalized as used by artificial intelligence, Konica Minolta Co., Ltd. , UNITED ARROWS CO., LTD., REMARKS CO., LTD. We have already used it for hundreds of business operators and tens of thousands of users.

■ Company profile
Company name: Yaraku, Inc.
Business description: Development and provision of many communication tools, Research and development of artificial intelligence
Homepage: : https://www.yaraku.com/
Headquarters place: 4-8-607 Nanpeidai-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Date of foundation: August, 2009
Representative Director: Yusuke Sakanishi (Immediately Sakagutoshi)
Capital: 174,850,000 yen

【For inquiries about this release here】
Yaraku, Inc.
Officer: Mikoto Minato (Minato Tsuyoshi)
TEL: 03-6416-5315 (substitution) Email: pr@yaraku.com

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