Excellent and Reliant Translation Tool for our Company
Axelspace Corporation

Computer-assisted Translation
Introduction Purpose
Translating Company Documents
Cutting cost of translation
Introduction Effect
Translation Work becomes Efficient, Productivity improves, Cost is reduced
Reference Plan
Analysing economic from space
Axelspace Corporation has been a pioneer of space venture specialized in the production of ultra-compact sanitation since it was founded in 2008. We mainly focused on the development of dedicated satellites for domestic clients such as Weather News and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). In 2015, we conducted fundraising and expanded our business of offering image & analytical data collected from our 50 satellites. It becomes possible to know the overall global economic scale including the change of forest area and the use of ports by periodically acquiring satellite photographs, which implies that the value of such data use is high. Our businesses gain a high evaluation and receive METI Minister Awards at the University Venture Awards for University 2016 organized by the National Institute of Science and Technology Corporation, the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization.

The difficulties of global company
Our company has a large number of foreign engineers and the number account for about 30% of all employees. In the case that internal control and rules are required as the business scale of our company increases, it is necessary to make the content of company documents understandable to foreigners. The number of documents was extremely large, so it was laborious to translate each of them manually. The rules are based on law, so if we did not consider the consistency of the translation, it would lead to misunderstanding. Therefore, it becomes a severe issue of coping with English documents regarding its labor cost.”(Yoshihiro Ota, Management Department Leader of Axelspace Corporation)
Getting feedback on result
Before introducing YarakuZen, employees manually translated documents, but due to the limitation of speed and time, we considered to introduce external services. It is impossible to get user feedback from some machine translation tools such as Google Translate; however, YarakuZen enables us to register our own dictionary and phrases for each account, so that it becomes possible to get feedback to translation results. It is very convenient to separate the translations depending on whether it is for engineers or personal documents.

Supporting variety of file formats
In addition, source documents are created in various file formats. YarakuZen supports various file formats, which means we can obtain the translation result that preserves the original format after uploading the file. Therefore, the time of adjusting layouts decreases dramatically. Moreover, since the service ensures the information security, we do not need to worry about translating some important documents. We also consider translating those documents that we have not dealt via YarakuZen to improve the efficiency.