Human Science Co., Ltd
Recording over 20,000 translations in IT, Manufacturing, and Medical fields

Human Science( handles a wide range of services such as creating manuals, system development, translation, e-learning, and AI annotation, and makes full use of IT in application development to manual creation, education, and translation for overseas expansion; all provided as a one-stop service.
In the translation business, we receive numerous translation requests for manual translation, software translation, pharmaceutical translation, medical device translation, etc.; from many major domestic and foreign companies in the manufacturing, IT, and medical industry.
Service performance

Beginning in 1994, we have handled more than 20,816 translation projects from major and global companies for over 30 years.
Dedicated post-editor in charge of checking for technical term mistranslation

The editor doing post-editing is required to understand the habits of machine translation and the various ways of correcting it.
Human Science selects post-editors that have a wealth of knowledge and experience that enable them to handle not just linguistic mistranslations, but also term mistranslations. That experience helps support the translation project, and improves the output of machine translation.
We have 92 post-editors who have qualifications in specialized fields such as “manufacturing (automobiles, machine tools, control equipment, robots, FA equipment, etc.)”, “IT”, and “pharmaceutical/medical care”.
Supported languages
Japanese, English (US, UK, Australian), Chinese (Simplified / Traditional), Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Turkish, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Iberian Portuguese , Dutch, Greek, Czech, Polish, Russian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Slovenian, Slovak, Estonian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish Language, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese etc.
By actively utilizing the latest technology, systematizing project management know-how, and a comprehensive translator education system, we as a company have a complete system for ensuring quality. Even while providing stable performance and high quality for large-scale or special projects, we are continuously improving translation quality. Our post-editors are an elite lineup, passing through a tough program with a pass rate of 15% or less, providing the highest quality of translations.
Security (Information security measures)

Obtained ISO 17100: 2015 certification, the international standard for translation services
On June 5, 2017, we obtained the certification of the international standard “ISO 17100: 2015 Translation services – Requirements for translation services (hereinafter, ISO 17100: 2015)” for translation services.
ISO17100: 2015 specifies requirements for translation service providers regarding the key processes required for quality translation services and the competence of translators and reviewers.
In addition, we have established the ISMS basic policy and personal information protection policy, and operations for managing important customer information.

Obtained ISO 18587:2017 Machine Translation Post-Editing Quality Standard
ISO 18587:2017 defines requirements for translation services providers regarding the key post editing processes and establishes the competencies for translators and post-editors to ensure high quality post-editing services.