The ninth volume of “Yaraku-Jin (やらく人)”, a series that focuses the people involved in Yaraku and YarakuZen, will introduce Keisuke Watanabe, a marketing team manager at Yaraku.
The ninth volume of “Yaraku-Jin (やらく人)”, a series that focuses the people involved in Yaraku and YarakuZen, will introduce Keisuke Watanabe, a marketing team manager at Yaraku.
The eighth volume of “Yaraku-Jin (やらく人)”, a series that focuses the people involved in Yaraku and YarakuZen, will introduce Makiko Nakayama, a backoffice manager at Yaraku.
The seventh volume of “Yaraku-Jin (やらく人)”, a series that focuses the people involved in Yaraku and YarakuZen, will introduce Eimi Yumura, a partner sales executive.
The sixth volume of “Yaraku-Jin (やらく人)”, a series that focuses the people involved in Yaraku and YarakuZen, will introduce Yurii Honcharenko, one of the developers who has been playing a significant role of YarakuZen’s development since joining the company in 2015.
“Yaraku-Jin (やらく人)” is a series of articles that unravels Yaraku and YarakuZen by focusing on the “people (人) ” surrounding Yaraku, such as the colleagues working together, YarakuZen users, and partner companies. In this fifth volume, we interviewed Giovanni, a member of the NLP (Natural Language Processing) engineering team at Yaraku, Inc.
The fourth volume of “Yaraku-Jin”, a series that focuses on the people surrounding Yaraku and YarakuZen, will introduce Wernich Baumgarten. He is one of the applications developers at Yaraku.Inc.
The 3rd volume of “Yaraku-Jin”, a series that focuses on the people surrounding Yaraku and YarakuZen, will interview Hirofumi Tsuchida, from Capgemini Corporation, a major foreign-affiliated consulting firm that has introduced YarakuZen across the board.
The second volume of “Yaraku-Jin”, a series that focuses on the people involved with Yaraku and YarakuZen, will introduce Keiko Takeda, a customer support representative who lectures on how to use YarakuZen and deals with users’ problems.
“Yaraku-Jin”, a series that introduces Yaraku is now online. It will feature the people deeply involved with Yaraku and YarakuZen, such as our team members who work at Yaraku, customers who use YarakuZen, and partner companies that collaborate with Yaraku. As the first interviewee, we gladly welcome Shinichiro Tamaki, who was appointed outside director […]