


Category: Media


【Media Coverage】Book review of “Machine Translation Taizen” on CNET Japan

November 14th, 2020Book review of “Machine Translation Taizen” was introduced on CNET Japan.  [ブックレビュー]緊急時に頼りになる新たな翻訳ツール–「自動翻訳大全」 ▼Also reproduced by CNET Japan articleNEWSPICKShttps://newspicks.com/news/5389263/ IT Channelhttps://it.f-frontier.com/2020/11/14/48812/ IT newshttps://news.minory.org/285345.html   Please contact us if you have any enquiries.


【Media Coverage】YarakuStick(β) was featured in KADEN HIHYO

October 2020YarakuStick(β) was featured in KADEN HIHYO, October issue 家電批評’s EYE6つのマイクで大人数の会議にも対応長い外国語の会話でも即翻訳して字幕表示する please contact us if you have any enquiries or wish to use YarakuStick(β) .


What Is Neural Machine Translation?

Neural machine translation is a particularly interesting niche field of artificial intelligence. This is because – traditionally – accurately translating one language into another can be difficult for a machine to achieve. Here, in this article, we are going to take a look at the technology that has and is adapting to do this job: […]


Top 5 Translation Service providers in South America

In order to talk about Translation Service Providers, you must first know what the job is all about. Translation Service Providers (TSP) have been around for several years now, they are sometimes referred to as Translation Agencies that offer their translation services to clients. Sometimes they also offer other related jobs such as interpretation or […]