Using YarakuZen to improve translation efficiency in exchanges with Vietnamese businesses
Toyo Holdings Co., Ltd.

Machine translation / translation support tool
Introduction Purpose
Translation of emails/meeting materials from Vietnam and internal documents
Reduce overtime from translation work
Introduction Effect
Improved translation work efficiency
Reference Plan
Accelerating overseas expansion in construction industry
First of all, could you describe your company?
Toyo Holdings Co., Ltd. is engaged in construction / real estate business, energy business, and agribusiness. Our vision is “Creating a safe, secure, and comfortable city”. We provide highly stable service while complementing each other’s work, and by combining the know-how gained from various industries, we demonstrate our unique strengths. Our businesses are expanding rapidly overseas and have already established a presence in Vietnam and Indonesia.
Goal is reducing translation inefficiency
What translation needs do you have?
The overseas division was planning to do business in Vietnam, but there was no staff who could understand Vietnamese and I was looking for some good translation software. Until now, we had been translating with a free machine translation engine, but the translation quality was not very good. We were manually re-translating almost from scratch and our overtime hours increased. We had to spend time everyday translating emails from Vietnamese, there were huge amounts of translation for order requests, and there were also requests for translations from other divisions, so I started looking for the most suitable translation software to help the staff even a little.
“Unlimited volume of translation characters” and “fixed monthly fee” are decisive factors
Why did you choose YarakuZen?
While there weren’t many Vietnamese-supporting translation software available, it was difficult with other companies’ software since we had a large amount of translations on a daily basis, and they were charging by the number of translated characters. So we decided to introduce YarakuZen, which has an unlimited number of translated characters and a fixed monthly fee. One of the decisive factors was the ability to make professional translation orders directly from YarakuZen.
Reduce overtime hours, make it easier for staff to request translations
How is the current introduction status?
It became very convenient because we were able to quickly translate daily emails and conference materials from our Vietnam associates just by drag-and-dropping files. While increasing the number of requests within the company leads to a greater requirement for translation work, pure machine translation often provides satisfactory results, and the translation document can be shared with other staff through YarakuZen, so the resulting increase in work efficiency successfully reduced overtime hours.
I have heard that it has become easier for other divisions to make a request for final translation check to our overseas division, because staff in other divisions can do translation by themselves on YarakuZen before making the request.
I hope YarakuZen will continue to grow
What are your expectations for future developments?
Since our amount of translation is large and the number of characters that can be translated at one time is often exceeded, we frequently need to split the file for upload. It would be great if this could be improved with a better way. Also, since all employees use Outlook for emails, being able to translate directly in Outlook would be nice.