Tachi-S Co., Ltd. strives for quality improvement in products, services and processes.
Using YarakuZen as a communication tool for quality improvement.
Tachi-S Co., Ltd.

Automatic translation and support tool
Introduction Purpose
Translation of in-house documents, forms, in-house regulations, etc.
Reduced translation costs and improved English ability
Introduction Effect
Improvement of translation quality and efficiency of translation work
Reference Plan
Global company for automotive seat manufacture
Could you introduce your company first?
Tachi-S Co., Ltd., based in Akishima, Tokyo, is a global company that mainly manufactures automotive seats.
Since our founding in 1954 as an independent parts manufacturer that consistently performs seat development and production, the company has expanded globally to 65 locations in 14 countries. In pursuit of higher levels of design, performance, safety and comfort required for seats in the future, and to respond to quickly to major technological innovations such as self-driving, we are focusing on seat development that gives customers around the world confidence and excitement.
With 1,500 employees at the parent company and 12,000 in the group to date, we are working to manufacture and sell car seats that are of the highest quality in comfort, convenience, and safety.
In addition, in order to foster future global and innovation (creative value creation) personnel, we are also focusing on overseas training for new employees.
Multilingual communication with more overseas staff.
What translation needs do you have?
At Tachi-S, the number of overseas subsidiaries is increasing every year, and both Japanese and English are being used internally. Under such circumstances, the needs for “translation of e-mails” and “translation of presentation materials” are constantly increasing as interaction with staff members overseas increases.
In addition, about 50 foreign staff hailing from Vietnam, China, Mexico, etc. work in the Technology and Manufacturing Center in Tokyo, but business interaction with overseas divisions has become an issue.
Up until then, I was using a free translation tool on the web while worrying about security, before becoming aware of the existence of translation software and started examining introducing it.
The deciding factor is the low introduction cost of YarakuZen.
Why did you choose Yarakuzen?
As part of the implementation, we compared various translation tools.
In the process of evaluating different software tool, YarakuZen came to my attention and we included it in testing.
The result was that we found most staff could use it immediately from the first day, and that the company’s reputation was the best. YarakuZen offered the best cost-effectiveness in the long run thanks to the simple adoption and ease-of-use.
Thanks to the enthusiastic introductory consultation and generous support of the staff at Yaraku, the feeling of “cooperating together for introduction” led to a sense of security.
The scale of implementation from 30 people to 200 in one year. Pursuing further quality improvement.
How is the current implementation status?
Initially, the company “Medium” plan (30 users, including 5 translation managers) was introduced. After that, the in-house reputation gradually grew and expanded first to 100 people (large plan) and then 200 people (extra large plan) in one year. In the future, in order to pursue further quality improvement of various in-house activities, I would like to further expand YarakuZen into other departments in Japan and overseas staff.
With other free translation tools, it can be difficult to consistently use the same proper nouns, such as department names. YarakuZen’s glossary function helps to standardize terms.
I hope YarakuZen will continue to grow.
What are your expectations for future developments?
For now, I still download automatically translated file and then correct it. Powerpoint layout adjustments and other such edits are faster when done offline. In addition, segmentation of text in Excel cells still need to be corrected manually. I think it would be nice to be able to make such file adjustment work smarter and more automatic in YarakuZen. Doing so will contribute to the improvement of productivity and quality of many people.
-Thank you for the interview! Please continue to look forward to the evolution of YarakuZen.