Yaraku Inc. (Headquarters: Shibuya, Tokyo), which offers AI translation tools equipped with generative AI technologies such as ChatGPT under the brand name “YarakuZen”, is pleased to announce our CEO Suguru Sakanishi has been appointed as an advisor to LT-Innovate, a European translation industry association. While most advisors to LT-Innovate come from translation-related companies in Europe, Yaraku is the first Asian company to join, contributing to the development of technologies related to translation, interpretation, and speech processing.
Message from Philippe Wacker, Executive Director of LT-Innovate
We are very proud welcoming Suguru Sakanishi as a new Member of our Board of Advisors. Suguru and his company, Yaraku Inc., bring new perspectives to our organisation in terms of supporting Asian languages and deploying language intelligence technologies into new markets and new application domains. We are looking forward to broadening our global reach, particularly into Asia, with the support of Suguru.
Message from Suguru Sakanishi, CEO of Yaraku Inc.
At the “LANGUAGE INTELLIGENCE” event held by LT-Innovate in November, we presented case studies on the use of our LLM (Large Language Model), and had the opportunity to engage in lively discussions with translation professionals from around the world. By joining LT-Innovate as an advisor, I aim to contribute not only to the development of the translation industry in Japan and Asia, but also to the global advancement of the industry. Together with my colleagues from various countries, I am committed to creating a society where global and seamless communication is easily achievable in any context.
About LT-Innovate
Founded in 2012, LT-Innovate is an industry association for the translation sector. It brings together experts and representatives from translation, interpretation, and speech processing industries to exchange the latest developments in technology, including through international conferences like “LANGUAGE INTELLIGENCE.”
For more details, visit: https://lt-innovate.org/